Over a third of us reckon we Brits throw away more food at Christmas than any other time.
But fear not, we have a range of seasonal use up recipes to help see you though this Christmas period without your bin overflowing with food waste.
This year we have created some great 'Cook- Along' recipe videos to help you to use up all those Christmas leftovers.
The Kitchen Creatives from Love Food Hate Waste have a savvier, cheaper way around that. In fact, they are pretty confident you can get all the way from Christmas Eve til Twelfth Night without having to put much in the bin at all – all it takes it some crafty thinking, simple planning and a bit of careful storage or freezing.
Bubble and squeak
Avoid binning the trimmings. Classic Christmas leftovers – from mash to cooked winter veg – are the basis of the brilliantly British bubble and squeak. But how to inject a bit of festive sparkle? How about adding chopped cooked gammon or turkey, or something from the cheeseboard, as well as a spoonful or two of mayo? Making space in the pan then frying a fresh egg in the heart of it will guarantee a seasonal twist, too. And all it takes is just 15 minutes

Not everyone likes sprouts – and most families seem to have those who are not a fan of sprouts. Turning your leftover sprouts into a gratin is a genius way of upcycling the unloved corner of the Christmas table. Start by making a white (or roux) sauce with added fried onions or shallots, add some grated cheese (Gruyere works nicely but you could use up any odds and ends you have left), fry up some chopped bacon or pancetta then add it in. Arrange your boiled sprouts in an ovenproof dish, pour over the delicious sauce and top with breadcrumbs and bacon rashers. Cook the whole lot in a preheated oven at 180oC (160oC fan) for 25 minutes.

Free up the Fridge
We’re not all lucky enough to have a massive fridge at home. So if the fridge is getting too full too quickly (remember the air needs to circulate for the fridge to work properly) there are alternatives. Anything freezable can be frozen right up to the ‘use by’ date. If you can cook in bulk, then freeze, you’ll be well on the way: cooking once and eating twice is a great way to make your money go further. Don’t forget to split up your offerings into portions before you freeze to make them quick and easy to defrost and heat up when you need a quick meal. Meanwhile, if you’re the owner of a cold conservatory or garage, use it to free up fridge space. Everything from white wine and fruit juice to jars of condiments will happily chill out there.

Love Food Hate Waste have a great variety of recipes, tips and planners that are easy to use to help reduce your food waste this Christmas. Find them all here.

Turkey doesn't have to just be enjoyed on the 25th.
Love your leftovers with some of these recipes from Love Food Hate Waste