Veolia Nottinghamshire's Reduce, Reuse, Recycling Fund
Encouraging the Nottinghamshire community to get involved in reducing, reusing and recycling
The Reduce, Reuse, Recycling Fund offers funding to groups, schools and charities who are committed to helping Nottinghamshire to think differently about waste.
If you are a not-for profit organisation in Nottinghamshire (excluding the city of Nottingham) and have an idea or are already running a project that helps to inspire others to take a more conscious approach to waste, you can apply for a grant of up to £1000.
The Reduce, Reuse, Recycling Fund 2025 is now open for applications until Friday 4 July.
If you encounter any difficulties with the application form please contact us at [email protected] or call us at 0203 567 4370.
Previously granted projects
How can my group apply?
Applications can be made online by filling out a digital application form.
Please make sure that you have read all of the information on this webpage, and the terms and conditions listed within the application form before making an application.
Who can apply?
Properly constituted, not-for-profit local organisations which includes charities, voluntary and community groups, forums, clubs, societies and schools. Your team, group or society must be based and work within the seven boroughs and districts in the County of Nottinghamshire (excluding the City).
How much money can be applied for?
Grants of up to £1,000 are available per group, per year. Funding is at the discretion of Veolia and Nottinghamshire County Council. The amount granted may not be for all elements requested and will be paid directly to your organisation by cheque or BACS (please note, funding must be paid directly to your organisation and cannot be paid to individuals).
What sort of project will be considered?
Funding can be granted for a variety of projects and activities including workshops, practical equipment, education and awareness raising.
Funding can be sought by projects that encourage people to think about their waste as a resource. This can be anything from swap shop events to repair workshops, community gardens which make use of reused, reclaimed or recycled materials, to food growing, food waste reduction initiatives and composting schemes. It could be campaigns to promote and increase recycling and reduce the wrong things going in the wrong bins at home, school or local events, or creative and innovative ideas which encourage people to recycle - from arts projects to recycling bins. The payment of volunteers’ expenses, staffing costs or travel/transport are not permitted under the fund.
When will I hear about my application?
A panel will review applications made to the Reduce, Reuse, Recycling Fund and be in touch within 3 weeks after the application deadline.
How is this funded?
Funding is at the discretion of Veolia Nottinghamshire and Nottinghamshire County Council. The amount granted will be paid directly to your organisation by BACS. Please note funding cannot be paid to individuals.
What will be required from our group if we are awarded funding?
A representative from Veolia may visit your group to view your project at a mutually suitable time and date. Photographs will be taken at this presentation that may be used in future promotion of the fund and / or for publicity purposes. You will also be required to complete and return a funding evidence form to ensure the money was spent on the items requested.
If your project requires considerable financial assistance (i.e. more than £1,000) please visit to find out more about funding through the Landfill Communities Fund.