7 Top Tips for a Sustainable Valentine's Day
Love your bin
Are you an envi-romantic? Make sure your tokens of affection can (eventually) be loved by the environment too and be recycled.
Valentine’s cards and wrapping paper without glitter, flocking or foil can all go in your recycling bin at home after the big day letting the ‘love’ live on.
Remember that you're super wonderful and by helping us to recycle all your cans, tins, paper, cardboard and plastic bottles all year round, you're sharing that wonderfulness with the world by saving
natural resources.
This Valentine's day we hope you love your bin, as much as we love it when you put the right things in!

Make your own cards
Around 25 million Valentine’s Day cards are sent in the UK every year, equivalent to more than 8,000 trees.
This year, why not show some love for your partner AND the planet by sending an e-card? If you prefer a traditional declaration of love, make sure you look out for cards that are recyclable and glitter-free (glitter can't be recycled).
Go a step further and make your own Valentine's card. Not only more sentimental and unique, you can demonstrate your sustainability credentials to your partner by using recycled paper... now that's a way to win someone's heart!

Go on a virtual date
Organise a cool and relaxed virtual date. Get creative - go on virtual gallery tours together or challenge each other on a pop quiz.
Sharing an activity is sure to create long-lasting memories and stronger relationships.

Opt for living plants over flowers
Roses are red, violets are blue, houseplants last longer, better for the environment too!
With roses considered a Valentine’s Day staple since the 17th Century, millions are now imported into the UK every February, only to last a week on the windowsill.
To help minimise mileage, why not purchase seasonal flowers from local, environmentally minded shops. Once finished, don’t forget to compost them!
If you’re after something that will last for years rather than days, consider buying your partner a house or garden plant. The gesture not only symbolises the longevity of your love, it improves air quality by reducing CO2 levels!

Try a farm-to-table dinner
Enjoy a romantic meal at home, cooking together with your partner and using locally grown ingredients, paired with organic wine or juice. Plan ahead to avoid excess food waste and don't forget to put your peelings in your home compost bin!
You could even create some extra ambiance by using beeswax candles, which help clean the air at the same time!

Choose to reuse
According to our research, 30% of East Midlanders are more likely to see someone again if they used a reusable bottle.
Along with reducing the waste produced and recycling everything that can be recycled, the act of reusing, rather than throwing away, shows consideration for the environment, which is attractive to potential partners.
Takeaway - the recycling crews won't
If you decide to have a takeaway or ready meal please remember that those plastic food containers do not go in your recycling bin.
They can go in your general waste bin but before you pop them in why not wash them out and reuse them, they make great storage containers for small items!
(Remember too that pizza boxes and foil trays can't go in the recycling bin either)